Twitter went down this morning leaving people unable to Tweet, retweet or read other peoples Tweets more more than a half hour.

- It’s true… For an excruciating 40 MINUTES America had to wait for Harry & Meghan to weigh in on President Biden’s trip to the Middle East.


BIG NEWS!!!! Images of a new group of Emojis that will be available later this year- including a pink heart, a jellyfish and a shaking face - have been released by the “Emoji Reference Website” Emojipedia.

- I thought “Emojipedia” was one of those new medicines you see advertised on TV. You know, the ones that make cause your tongue to swell but will have you dancing while you mow your front lawn.


VP Harris dished up another serving of “Word Salad” during a speech about Jobs & Transportation this week saying, “'You need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go to do the work and go home”.

- Can you imagine if she was ever cast as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz? She’ be like, “There’s no place like home… because home, being a place… the place where our home is… is the place where we most feel at home”.


Kim Kardashian’s sister Khloe made comments on Social Media implying that Kim’s boyfriend Pete Davidson may have a “Foot Fetish”.

- I’m not a Rhodes Scholar like the Kardashian girls, but my money is on Pete being more of a Butt guy.


A new study found that Viruses like COVID can survive on meat and fish stored in your freezer for up to 30 days… and then infect you even after you cook it.

- Great. Now they’re gonna tell us we have to start putting Masks on all our frozen meat.

- Can we Vaccinate our hamburgers instead??


According to researchers from the University of Sydney, exercise alone won’t compensate for a diet filled with fatty foods.

- The way I look at it you have two choices: Give up fast food… or give up reading depressing studies.


Botched robberies led to shots being fired at six different 7-Eleven stores in California during one day last week.

- But the good news is… Alec Baldwin wasn’t involved in ANY of them. (As far as we know…)


A trailer filled with 40,000 pounds of potato chips caught on fire in Florida.

- Firefighters said the chips started out as “Sour Cream ‘n Onion” but ended up as “BBQ”.


Now the Church of England is going “Woke” by refusing to offer up a definition of a “woman,” arguing that RECENT DEVELOPMENTS required “additional care” when attempting to define the word.

- Where’s Helen Reddy with her “I Am Woman” song when we need her?? Unfortunately she passed away back in 2020.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
