As the Spartan Community continues to reel from the horrific events of Monday night... I have to say, on a personal note, as a Father and Grandfather, like all of you - I am devastated.

Four of my Grandchildren - JoAnne's daughter Lauren & son Adam, and Jessica's sons Preston & Jack are students at MSU and were on campus when the shots rang out. Jack - a sophomore - was in the Union - just 20 feet away from where the gunman stood when Jack heard what he thought was something falling or breaking. If only that had been the case. Instead we have three dead, and five others fighting for their lives in Sparrow Hospital.

And here we are. Just 15 months after Oxford. And, of course, all the other tragedies - the names... the tears... the memorials... Again.


And now for a look at a lighter side of the news…

For the first time since the Bureau of Labor started keeping stats in 1980, a dozen eggs now cost MORE than a pound of BEEF.

- So many people are eating beef, some Chickens have started laying Hamburgers to try keep up with demand.


A new study explains that morning gym-goers reap slightly more rewards and burn more calories than those who workout later in the day.

- And SIGNIFICANTLY more than those who put if off all day... and then decide not to go at all.


When asked about President Biden's communication style during the White House press briefing Tuesday, Karine Jean Pierre said President Biden is "The best communicator in the White House".

- Isn’t that kind of like saying Harpo was the most “Talkative” of the Marx Brothers??


Researchers from the National Institutes of Health say they are closer to approving a Fast-Acting MALE Birth Control Pill that Starts working within 30 minutes and “Stops Swimmers for a full 24 hours".

- Well if it doesn't work out for Birth Control, we could aways use it against our competitors at the next Olympics.


Insiders at the World Health Organization (WHO) say there will be NO FURTHER INVESTIGATION INTO THE ORIGINS OF COVID. Why, you ask? Well apparently it's because "The Chinese aren't being cooperative".

- Well okay then. I guess we'll just have to let it go...


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!
