Congratulations to Big Al who won an EMMY Saturday night for Best Documentary: “A Tribute to Dick Purtan” at the 45th Annual Michigan Emmy Awards! Al deserves this honor and so much more!! And I’ll admit I had to brush away a tear when he ended his acceptance speech by saying, “God Save the Queen, Man!”


Rivaling Big Al in the fashion department this weekend was Pennsylavania Senator John Fetterman who greeted President Biden at an event while wearing baggy shorts and a hoodie.

- At this point I guess we should just be grateful Fetterman didn’t take his hoodie OFF and shake his boobs like the Transgender Activist did in the White House Rose Garden, right after shaking President Biden’s hand LAST weekend.

- So far the WH doesn’t seem to have a problem with Fetterman’s casual dress around the Prez… then again, it took Joe THREE DAYS to go from Praising the Pride Event to Banning the Guy/Girl who flashed His/Her Boobs from EVER being at the White House again!


Prince Harry & Meghan Markle have been “Cancelled” by Music & Podcasting company Spotify after producing only 13 hours of their “Archetypes” Podcasts in 2 1/2 years - despite signing a $20 MILLION contract with the company.

- 13 HOURS in TWO YEARS??? I’m not sure they’re “Archetypes” so much as “Pain In the A**-e-types”


In a new survey, Gen Z is calling out Baby Boomers for their “annoying” workplace habits.

- Ya know, stuff like… actually SHOWING UP.

Gen Z workers (those up to age 26) say Boomers also “waste paper” and “use outdated language”.

- For example, Baby Boomers tend to say things like, “Please”, “Thank You”, and “There are only 2 genders”.


Researchers in Australia analyzed the calls of 700 Frogs and discovered that all of them have different accents.

- And all 700 of ‘em sound more realistic than that fake Spanish-thing Alec Baldwin’s wife “Hilaria” keeps using.


A Nigerian chef is officially a Guinness World Record holder after spending a consecutive 93 hours and 11 minutes cooking.

- They gave her an official certificate but what she really needs is a Microwave.


Kudos to Fred Nahhat, Bill Allesee, Bill Kubota, Rodney Brown, & Justin Brown for their Emmy acheivements as well… Way to go guys!!!


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
