Happy Birthday to Michael Richards who is 73 today! Kramer on “Seinfeld” of course! We celebrate with a few of his classic lines…

“Is that a Titleist?”… “I’m out there, Jerry, and I’m lovin’ every minute of it!” …“You're just as pretty as any of them. You just need a nose job”… “Look away, I'm hideous!”… “Who turns down a Junior Mint?”… “I’m Cosmo Kramer, the Assman!”


Hunter Biden's lawyer, Kevin Morris - the man who paid Hunter’s $2 MILLION in back taxes - was photographed smoking a bong on the balcony of his LA home... WHILE HUNTER WAS VISITING HIM over the weekend.

- Looks like Ken & Barbie weren’t the only ones having fun at the Malibu Dream House this weekend!


Last night, Elon Musk official changed the name of Twitter to “X”.

- So instead of “Tweeting”… now everyone will be “Divorcing”???


Scientists at the University of Michigan report most older adults with signs of cognitive impairment continue to drive.

- The scientists came to this conclusion after spending a week on vacation in Florida.


A new survey shows that many Americans have financial regrets, including not saving enough for retirement.

- Regrets? I’ve had a few. Then again. Too few to mention.


A Florida bus driver snapped a photo of an alligator waiting at a bus stop.

- The alligator didn’t have a choice. He tried hitchhiking but his arms were so short nobody saw his thumb.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
