I hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend! I saw “Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning” yesterday… To me, it was a “Two Bathroom Break” movie… mainly because the “Impossible Mission” was following the plot. But I did enjoy the Popcorn!
National Cheese Pizza Day! The day Pizza makers encourage Americans to refrain from ordering toppings and embrace the simplicity of plain old Cheese Pizza.
- Whataya say?? Shall we all Hold the Pepperoni today?
Double-vaccinated and twice boosted Jill Biden has tested POSITIVE for COVID but is only experincng “mild symptoms” and will remain at the couples home in Delaware. On a bright note… the President tested negative.
- Of course that was just in the Polls. He doesn’t have Covid either.
The most recent Wall Street Journal Poll showed that if the election were held today, Biden and Trump would be TIED at 46% each.
- Proving once again, it’s a “Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”.
According to a new biography, Elon Musk grew to hate Twitter’s blue bird logo and vowed to replace it with his own “X” Logo, telling his team, “All these damn birds have to go.”
- So Elon basically gave the Bird the Bird.
School is back in session!! New research reveals that the average parent will spend about $489-dollars on school supplies this year.
- But most parents say the trade-off of having the kids out of the house is worth much, much more.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Wednesday!