It’s National Rubber Ducky Day… So C’mon! Jump in the Bathtub and Get Your Ducks in a Row!!
With just 8 days to go until the Innauguation… the first moving van was spotted outside the White House this morning, signaling that the Bidens are preparing to move out.
-The hardest part is going to be getting Joe’s walk-in tub out of the Oval-Office Bathroom.
A new study out of Washington State University found that Elderberry juice could be a "potent tool" for weight management. The study found that drinking 12 ounces of elderberry juice each day for one week led to positive changes in the gut microbiome.
-Good luck getting young people to try it… Like they're ever going to respect their Elderberry Juice.
The relatives of 5 women killed by “Jack the Ripper” in England back in 1888 are calling for a fresh inquest… after DNA evidence emerged that may finally identify the killer 130 after the infamous murders.
-And if this pans out… there gonna get started on finding out who left the Cocaine in the White House.
A couple in Florida tried a rather unique technique to get away with shoplifting… While the husband was busy filling his cart with hundreds of dollars of merchandise and slipping out of the store, his wife distracted employees by pulling down her pants and “relieving herself” in one of the store aisles. But the manager caught on and called the cops.
-This takes “Clean up in Aisle 5” to a whole new level!
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!