Clay Butler of California is developing a line of soda pop infused with THC, the active ingredient in Marijuana. Flavors will include…

Orange, grape, lemon-lime, “Canna Cola,” and a Dr. Pepper-like drink called “Doc Weed”.  Butler says he doesn’t drink, smoke or do drugs, but he believes that “adults have an inalienable right to think, eat, smoke, drink, ingest, decorate, and dress anyway they choose to do so.”  His cannabis sodas will come in 12 ounce bottles and sell for $12 to $15 each. 

- Isn’t that price a little HIGH?

- He’s also branching out into marijuana-laced foods… wait ‘til you try his Chicken Pot Pie! 

- Lindsay Lohan is already trying to find rolling papers big enough to fit around the bottle. 

- I guess you have to use a pair of plyers as a roach clip.

- One sip of the “Doc Weed” flavor and you’ll be singing, “I’m like totally a pepper; dude, you’re a pepper; wouldn’t it be way awesome if you were a pepper, like, too?”
