Oprah Winfrey unveiled her “family secret” bombshell Monday on her show, when she revealed…

A long-lost half-sister she never knew about! The woman, identified only as Patricia, was born when Oprah was eight and living with her dad. Oprah’s mom gave Patricia up for adoption.  She had searched for her birth family for years and began to suspect she was related to Oprah because what she knew of her family background matched Oprah’s story.  The two met this past Thanksgiving and Patricia says she didn’t sell her story to the media because Oprah is family.  Oprah said the news that she had a half-sister “shook me to my core” and was “the miracle of all miracles”.  

- Oprah’s BFF Gail King - whom Oprah often refers to as “the sister I never had” said, “Oh #@$*!”

- If this woman makes it into the will, Steadman will only end up with a gazillion dollars instead of a bazillion.  

- Oprah was so excited, she gave everyone in her audience a free half-sister too! 

- And she jumped up and down on her own couch! 
