It was revealed that among the things the Navy SEALS hauled out of Osama bin Laden’s compound was an “extensive” library of porn - this despite the radical Islamist violence against women who show any skin in public. Apparently, troops often find the “adult material” when they raid jihadist hideouts.  One Georgetown University terrorism expert said, “Of course they found porn!  Every damned jihadi loves porn”.

- If you look closely at the video of Osama watching TV… he wasn’t watching coverage of himself, he was watching “Debbie Does Abbottabad”! 

- When Osama’s 4th wife found the stash she blew up… literally.   

- It took three SEALS just to carry out his collection of “PentCave” and “PlayCamel” magazine’s alone!

- They need porn!  How else are they going to know what to do with those 72 virgins when they get to the afterlife?  

- So their battle cry is really “Death to America! Except Americans with really big boobs and names like Amber Va Va Voom!”
