Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has gone so far around the bend, he’s embarrassing fellow Islamic radical lunatics. The latest issue of the Enlish-language al-Qaeda magazine “Inspire” features an article slamming Ahmadinejad for continually claiming that the US goverment was really behind 9/11. The terrorist magazine called his claims “ridiculous” and said they fly against all facts and evidence. They accused him of concocting 9/11 conspiracy theories because Iran is jealous of al-Queda.
- Besides, they don’t want someone else getting the credit for killing thousands of innocent people.
- It’s a sad state of affairs when even the maniacal terrorists can’t get along!
- This happened during WWII when Hitler thought Mussolini had a nicer looking uniform than he did.
- Ahmadinejhad better be careful! You don’t wanna make those guys mad!