Yesterday, the Obama Administration handed out another billion dollar-plus loan to two more green energy projects. This, despite the growing scandal over Solyndra, the solar panel company that blew through a $535 million taxpayer-backed loan and went belly up.
- Obama’s 2012 re-election slogan will be “Can We Throw Good Money After Bad? YES WE CAN!”
- Basically “Gang Green” has set in…
Meanwhile, there are new revelations on what Solyndra spent the money on. A neighbor described the factory they built in California as a high-tech, metal and glass Taj Mahal. The building was the size of five football fields, had glass walled conference rooms with cutting edge electronics, spa-like showers with liquid crystal displays of the water temp, and even robots that whistled Disney tunes.
- They should have whistled “Muppet Tunes” like “It’s Not Easy Being Green”.
- Apparently when they okayed the loan to Solyndra, the government was smoking “Dopey”.
- I’d be “Whistling While I Work” too if someone gave me half a billion dollars!