Anthony Weiner admitted that newly released graphic tweets from a sex chat with a 22-year-old woman were sent by him months after he quit Congress in disgrace. He tried to get away with it by using the name “Carlos Danger”. 

- I thought “Carlos Danger” was the name of the Hispanic “Superman”. 

- So after he resigned, he basically sat around all day twittering his thumbs…and some other stuff. 


To be fair, when Weiner announced he was running for NYC Mayor he did admit that “something new might come out”. 

- And it did. Out of his pants. 

- He used a different e-mail provider so this time he showed the girl pics of his Hoo-Hah on Yahoo. 

- Does anyone else find it ironic that he made the announcement on the heels of “National Hot Dog Day”???

- This guy’s penis has posed for more pictures than Cindy Crawford. 


“Freedom”, a magazine run by the Church of Scientology is advertising for investigative reporters.  

- The first assignment will be an in depth photo essay on Tom Cruise’s vacation home on Mars.  


Pop Francis had a close call when his driver took a wrong turn in Rio and got stuck in a traffic jam where admireres mobbed the Pope’s car. 

- I guess the driver misunderstood when the Pope said he wanted to take the Catholic Church in a new direction. 

- The Pope wasn’t injured, although somebody did steal his big white hat that was sticking out of the sunroof. 


In her new memoir, “Partridge Family” mom Shirley Jones goes into suprisingly graphic detail about her sex life, including agreeing to a 3-Way with her late husband Jack Cassidy and another woman. She says her reaction was “Yuk”. 

- Which was exactly what she said when Producers of the show suggested a romantic relationship between her and band manager Reuben Kinkaid. 


Jones also says that even though she’s 79, her husband Marty Ingels thinks she’s still beautiful, so she occassional takes off all her closes and shakes her breasts at him. 

- It’s a great way to turn him on and sweep the floor at the same time. 


NSA Leaker Edward Snowden has reportedly been given permission to leave the Moscow airport and roam freely around the country. 

- Right…just like all of the Russian citizens who roam “freely around the country”. 


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday! 


