Welcome to the weekend and Podcast #90! In this go-around, we welcome Dr. Larry Lawson back to the old dining room table. Yes…I said, “Doctor”.  Larry voiced “The Story Lady” and “Wendell Ledbetter” on my show but is a Radiologist in real life. (I guess that explains why I always thought he could see right thru me…)

We talk showbiz…(Both Jackie and Larry originally misunderstood which one the of the Smothers Brothers was the “straight” one and exactly what that meant). And speaking of comedians, we give you the “real story” behind the ill-fated Jay Leno/Conan O’Brien late night fiasco.

Then we click our heels together three times and end up talking about Oz…Dr. Oz that is. I’ll tell you about a recent episode of his show, where he was “the victim” if you will. His staff got together and revealed a certain “medical problem” that Dr. Oz suffers from that is so embarrassing I’m amazed he let the show air! (So to speak!)

Jackie shares a story involving her boyfriend, her guest bathroom and some polident that left her red-faced (in a minty clean kind of way) and we discuss the giant blob of fat found in a London Sewer (apparently Micheal Moore is getting liposuction done “across the pond”).

I also tell you two real-life stories that happened to me at the Michigan State Fair (and no, neither one involves a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask), plus Larry treats us to one of his “Krapco” commercials, and we end on an almost unbelievable audio recording of Al Sharpton accidentally making up a word in a story about… Well, you’ve got to hear it to believe it! 

So click your heels together and follow us down the Yellow Brick Road to Podcast #90! 

Have a great weekend! 


Purtan Podcast #90  (34:44)

