Insiders say that Lori Loughlin - who is facing 40 years in the College Admissions scandal - may change her plea to from “Not Guilty” to Guilty” since Felicity Huffman, who plead guilty, only got 14 days in jail.

- But legal experts say Lori is Up the Creek Without a Paddle. Or her case, an Oar.


Happy Belated Birthday to Kim Kardashian who turned 39 yesterday!

- I wanted to get here something she could use, so I got her a Fanny Pack… by Samsonite.


Justin Trudeau overcame his Blackface Scandal to win reelection in Canada yesterday.

- After his victory speech, he went out to Paint the Town Black… um… I mean RED.


For $250 bucks, Stormi Daniels will record a personalized 60 second video Birthday Greeting or Bachelor Party Message complete with a seductive wink.

- It’s like the Porn version of Hallmark: “When You Care Enough To Send the Very Chest”.


Tiger Woods is about to release a memoir about his career that’s called “BACK.”

- He decided to write the book after getting bored just puttering around the house.


Joe Biden’s son Hunter - of Ukraine fame - has agreed to take a paternity test, but insists he is NOT the father of an Alabama woman’s child.

- In keeping with his dealing in the Ukraine, Hunter didn’t actually DO anything with the woman… he was just paid to consult.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Wednesday!
