The Washington Post took heat for their obit of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi who was killed over the weekend in a raid by American Rangers which called him an “austere religious scholar who wore wire-rimmed glasses”. People Tweeted the insanity of the headline by posting mock obits of their own. Here are some theirs and some of ours:
"Osama bin laden, known for being very tall and fathering 23 children, dies at 54."
“Rev. Jimmy Jones, minister and beverage enthusiast dies after delivering last rites to 900 followers”.
“Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of living, dies at 82.”
“Charles Manson, Beatles lover and devoted Family man, passes away at 83.”
“Adolf Hitler, dynamic public speaker and tireless community organizer, dies at 56.”
Freshman Rep. Katie Hill is resigning amid an ethics investigation over an allegedly inappropriate relationship with a staffer and her participation in a “Thruple” with her husband and another woman.
- I thought a “Thrupple” was a winning hand in Bridge.
A new survey found that 70% of Millennials are likely to vote Socialist and that one in three young people see Communism as “favorable.”
- Attention Parents: You still have time to put a lock on your basement door before Election Day.
Buckingham Palace insiders say Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle may be moving to California.
- Just what we need in Hollywood… Another couple who thinks they’re Royalty.
A new report claims that Kanye West will never perform his past songs in their original form again and is now purely a gospel artist.
- Kanye may be a gospel guy… but I’m having a hard time buying his wife Kim Kardashian as the Virgin Mary.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!