The Presidential Candidates will be enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday just like the rest of us.

- Elizabeth Warren is promising “Free Turkey for All” but won’t eat Gravy because she “Doesn’t like anything (or anyone) that’s too Rich”.


A Camel, a Cow and a Donkey were photographed roaming together along a road in Kansas.

- They were about to walk into a bar, but the Camel wasn’t thirsty.


Three out of four members of the “Squad” of freshman Democratic congresswoman are under investigation for campaign finance law violations just 10 months into their terms.

- In their defense, they don’t have time to pay attention to their own money… They’re too busy trying to take all of ours with the Green New Deal.


Forget the “Multiply by 7” Rule… There’s a new formula to figure out the age of your dog: Use a calculator to determine the “ Natural Algorythm” of your dogs real age, multiply that number by 16, then add 31.

- Or you can do what I always did… Ask your Dog!!


Jane Fonda wore the same outfit TWICE during one week after announcing that she’ll never buy another piece of clothing in order to help save the planet.

- Lucky for Jane, the outfit she wore when she sat on that Viet Cong Anti-Aircraft Gun in the 70’s is TOTALLY back in style!!!


Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented the Internet, has unveiled a plan to protect the world from misinformation and mass surveillance.

- I’m no tech expert, but here’s an idea: Try Unplugging your Computer.


On this day in 1960, Legendary Red Wing Gordie Howe became the first NHL player in history to score 1000 total points! (Goals & Assists combined)


Have a great day… travel safely… and I’ll see you back here on Thanksgiving!


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