Shortened blog for the holiday!

Harry and Meghan have given up their Royal titles and plan to make a living doing Voiceovers.

- First up? Harry in the “LION-Who-Was-Never-Going-To-Be-KING”.


A new survey found that people who live in Michigan spend 136 hours of their lifetime doing chores like vacuuming.

- Well that sucks.


An Alaskan Dentist who shared a video in which he removed a sleeping patient’s tooth while riding a hoverboard has been found guilty of “Unlawful Dental Acts.” 

- It was an historic decision because up til now the only “Unlawful Dental Acts” were Root Canals. 


For the first time ever, the NY Times has endorsed two candidates:  Amy Kloubachar and Elizabeth Warren for President calling Warren “A GIFTED STORYTELLER”.

- It’s true! Who could forget that story she told about being an Indian?


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
