- I ran across the cartoon below on FB this morning. Kind of sums up life these days.
Today is St. Patrick’s Day! Or as the Irish say in 2020 “Erin Go Wash Your Hands Day”.
This is actually the day in the year 432, when a 16 year old boy named Patrick was kidnapped from his home by Pirates in what is now Great Britain and imprisoned in Ireland. Legend has it, that for six years he was forced to survive on Bread & Water. (And I always thought it was Corned Beef & Cabbage).
Tom Brady announced Tuesday he is leaving the New England Patriots after 20 seasons and six Super Bowl titles, saying his football journey “will take place elsewhere.”
- $100 bucks says “elsewhere” means “Anywhere but the Lions”.
Health Officials all over the country are urging us to do what we can to help “Flatten the Curve” of the virus.
- I swim three times a week and walk 2 miles a day and I still can’t “Flatten the Curve” on my stomach.
Trump announced a list of things Americans must do to contain the virus in the next 15 days - including an urgent call for the “Old and vulnerable”… Stay Home!
- Well I guess we know where Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will be if we need to get ahold of ‘em.
Arnold Schwarzenegger posted a video urging people to stay isolated at home - that showed him feeding carrots to his two pets… A Mini-Horse named “Whiskey” and a Mini-Donkey named “Lulu”.
- Kind of hard to take advice from a guy who needs two Emotional Support Animals to stay in his own house.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Wednesday!