Democratic insiders are saying that despite attacking each other during the campaign, Joe Biden may pick Elizabeth Warren as his VP running mate.

- It would be a Lone Ranger & Tonto kind of thing.


An artist in Britain has photoshopped a pic of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to show what their hair might look like in Quarantine.

- We’re all in the same boat. My six daughters say that between them, they have enough “Roots” to start a new family tree on


A 64 year old man - who’s family gave him a ride on a jet fighter as a gift - panicked and accidentally ejected himself from the plane mid-flight.

- Experts say it’s not unusual for a 64 year old man to suffer from Premature Eject-u-Lation.


Kim Kardashian stressed the importance of social distancing in a new video posted on California Governor Newsom's Instagram account.

- She said even her husband Kanye West stays six feet away from her. But truth be told, it’s because everytime he tries to get closer, he runs into her butt.


A police department in Maryland posted a message reminding residents to wear Pants when going to the mailbox.

- This gives a whole new meaning to Junk Mail.


According to new research, Flamingos form friendships that last for years, hang out with certain birds in their groups and completely avoid others.

- Ya know… Kinda like High School.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
