IT’S A GIRL!!! (Of course it is! What else would you expect?) Meet the newest addition to the Purtan Family… “Miss Winnie”. (Yes, we named her after Winston Churchill). And when it comes to Potty Training… we quote one of Winston’s great speeches: “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”… WE HOPE!
The temperature in Death Valley hit 130 degrees the other day… the highest recorded temperature on Earth in over a century.
- How hot was it? It was so Hot Kim Kardashian put on clothes just so she could take ‘em off again.
This week, Chocolate flakes fell from the sky like snow in a Swiss town following a ventilation defect at a Lindt Candy Factory.
- Hmmm. Candy from the sky? I would have expected “Sno-Caps”. (One of my favs!)
Brach's has released a new bag of Candy Corn called the “Turkey Dinner” with flavors including roasted turkey, green beans, ginger-glazed carrots, sweet potato pie and cranberry sauce.
- What?? No Mashed Potatoes & Gravy??
Bowling enthusiasts in San Diego staged a protest Wednesday to force the city to reopen Bowling Alleys.
- The City Council voted to keep them closed in a 7-10 Split.
Cher has reached out to the Postal Service to ask if she can work as a volunteer to make sure mail gets delivered on time.
- Anything to keep her from singing.
The 29th season of “Dancing With The Stars” will premiere on September 14th.
- I’m hoping the line up includes Biden and Trump. Whoever does the best Rhumba wins the Mirror Ball and gets to run the Country. Done!
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!