President Trump and Joe Biden will debate for the first time tonight in Cleveland… and it’s expected to be the most-watched television Presidential debate in History.
- If you don’t count the one between Mr. Belvedere and Ollie Fretter. It was the epic battle between “We Do Good Work” and “I’ll Give You Five Pounds of Coffee If I Can’t Beat Your Best Deal”.
Ratings for the debate are expected to be Huge.
- Or as Trump would say… “Uge”.
Delaware State University says Joe Biden DID NOT attend the historically Black college despite Joe’s claims that he went to school there.
- Joe’s stories remind me of my Dad. For years he told me he was the “Chin-Up Champ of Ohio”. I checked with the Ohio Office of Sports Records and they told me they’d never heard of him. (True!)
A new study claims you have less than a 1% chance of catching COVID-19 while flying.
- But if you join the Mile High Club, you have an 80% chance of catching something else.
Residents of Lake Jackson, Texas have been warned not to drink the tap water because it may contain a Brain Eating Amoeba.
- But being a Glass is Half-Full kind of guy… Movie Theaters and Bowling Alley’s open next week!
Mike Tyson will be voting for the first time ever in this election thanks to a Nevada law that restores voting rights for felons.
- Mike says his Vote is “Earmarked for Biden!”
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Wednesday!