Well that was fun.
- Name calling… Insults… Everybody talking over each other… But enough about yesterday’s episode of “The View”.
- At least Trump didn’t walk over and “Stalk” Biden like he did during the Hillary debate… and Joe didn’t go over and take a sniff of Don’s hair… So it wasn’t a TOTAL disaster. But pretty darn close.
Five Parrots at a Wildlife Park were put in a “time out” after they began shouting insults at park guests.
- Here’s an idea… Now that they’ve learned the term “Time Out”… why don’t we hire THE FIVE PARROTS to moderate the next debate???
A new study found that narcissists are more likely to become politicians.
- If you watched last night’s debate you already knew that.
Amazon has added a “mail box sensor” to its RING home monitoring system that will tell you if your mail is being tampered with.
- Isn’t that what dogs are for??
The Mayor of London is banning household visits as a way of slowing the spread of coronavirus.
- Turns out the Queen asked him to do it to keep Harry and Meghan from coming home for Christmas.
Sweden is seeing a rise in Coronavirus cases after weeks of stability.
- Turns out everybody bought their masks at IKEA and they haven’t figured out how to put ‘em together yet.
RIP… Helen Reddy whose 1971 hit “I Am Woman” became an Anthem for the Feminist Movement has died at age 78.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!