
It’s Columbus Day… The day we celebrate Christopher Columbus’s voyage across the Atlantic to save BIG at Gardner White’s 12-Hour “You Discovered the New World… You Deserve a Great Night’s Sleep” Mattress Sale!!!


Friday night on “The Tonight Show”, Madonna laid on Jimmy Fallon’s desk, lifted her skirt and flashed the camera.

- But it was no big deal because it was nothing the audience hadn’t seen before.


Archeologists have discovered a 6 MILLION YEAR OLD set of footprints on the Greek isle of Crete.

- You know what they say… Big Feet. Big Fossils.

- Another, smaller set of prints were found nearby - believed to be made by the 1st guys assistant. The 2nd guy obviously had big shoes to fill.


More than 50 years after they split, Paul McCartney has revealed that the Beatles break-up wasn’t HIS idea as many fans thought, but was actually instigated by John Lennon.

- And by “John” he probably means “Yoko”.


Kim Kardashian made jokes about her sisters, her sex tape, and OJ Simpson during her hosting stint on Saturday Night Live… which saw the ratings go up by 23%.

- For those of you not good with math, that comes out to 11.5% per cheek.


A new poll from Figo Pet Insurance found that 3 in 5 people consider their pet to be their soulmate.

- The other 2 in 5 prefer to have a “Soulmate” who doesn’t pee on the carpet.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
