
RIP… Colin Powell has died at the age of 84 from complications brought on by COVID-19 - although he was fully vaccinated. Powell was also being treated for Multiple Myeloma and Parkinson’s Disease.


DC Comics has removed “American Way” from Superman’s slogan… changing it from “Truth, Justice, and The American Way” to “Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow”.

- Sounds more like a Presidential Campaign Slogan than a Super Hero Motto.

- I thought “A Better Tomorrow” was something you got from taking Metamucil.


President and First Lady Biden enjoyed their first Date-night dinner at a restaurant over the weekend… with the Prez reportedly dining on Lobster.

- Much like the butter, the President looked drawn.

- Critics complaind about the cost of the meal to tax payers, but the WH pointed out that Biden got the Lobster half-off during the Early Bird Special.


On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that if there are are staff shortages at airports due to the vaccine mandate, Airports should just hire Sniffer Dogs.

- So if you’re planning on trying to sneak drugs through the airport this weekend DON’T hide them in your underwear if you know what I’m sayin’.


Jamie Lee Curtis says her Mother, Janet Leigh would have been traumatized by the "#MeToo Movement.

- Not as traumatized as I was by Janet’s shower scene in Psycho… but still, Pretty traumatized.


Bill and Melinda Gates walked their daughter, Jennifer, down the aisle Saturday Night followed by a reception that cost $2 MILLION.

- If you want to send the happy couple a gift… they’re registered FOR Bed, Bath & Beyond.


RIP… Betty Lynn, the actress best known for playing Barney Fife's girlfriend Thelma Lou on "The Andy Griffith Show” who died Saturday at 95.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
