According to NASA, we’ll be treated to a “Nearly Total Lunar Eclipse” Thursday night/Friday morning… with 97% of the Moon disappearing into the Earth’s shadow.

- There hasn't been this little moon showing since Kim Kardashian put on a pair of low-rise yoga pants.


The former head of the FDA says that there’s “no question” there will be a big increase in COVID cases after Thanksgiving gatherings.

- Not as big an increase as our stomachs... but still, pretty big.


Body language experts say VP Harris looked “Visibly uncomfortable” appearing with the President at the White House over the weekend and that a hug between the two “Looked like she was hugging a relative she didn’t like at Thanksgiving Dinner”.

- Admit it. One of your relatives IMMEDIATELY popped into your head didn’t it? Feel free to name names. Most people don’t read this blog anyway.


Over the weekend, the Who’s Roger Daltrey called The Rolling Stones “A mediocre pub band”.

- Which reminds me… With the Holidays upon us, if you’re having a Party you might want to consider booking my Dad’s all-time favorite rockers… “Toots Dentino and the Buffalo Boys”. Private Message me if you want their number.


“Woke” Activists are now trying to cancel re-runs of Seinfeld by calling them racist.

- Yada Yada Yada.


80 year old James Hoffa is stepping down after more than 20 years at helm of the Teamsters union that his father Jimmy ran from 1957 to 1971.

- Hoffa says he’s retiring because he, “Wants to spend more time looking for his family”.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!
