As of right now, there were TWO Big Victories last night… 1) The Atlanta Braves won the World Series over Houston and 2) In the Virginia Governor’s race, Republican Glen Youngkin defeated Democrat Former Governor Terry McAuliffe in a HUGE upset.
- Question: Since Political “Wokeness” struck out last night are Baseball fans allowed to do the “Chop, Chop” again??
Australia's borders have opened up after 590 days of covid shutdown.
- In celebration, citizens went crazy drinking Australia’s #1 drink… Coka Koala.
Caitlyn Jenner says that when “She” was still a “He”, his/her then wife, Kim Kardashian’s mom, Kris Jenner told the then “Him” that her best friend, Nicole Brown Simpson once told her that OJ Simpson had told her (Kris) that he “Would kill Nicole… and get away with it”.
- The only thing more difficult than realizing OJ DID get away with it… is trying to follow that sentence.
“Impeachment: American Crime Story,” the highly anticipated series about the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair is tanking in the ratings… with last week’s episode coming in 15th on Cable - tying it with MTV’s show, “Teen Mom”.
- Is it just me or does “Teen Mom” sound like a documentary about Bill’s High School Days in Arkansas?
A California Fraternity was suspended after 5 women claimed members of the Frat spiked their drinks during a party.
- The Fraternity in question is Phi Kappa Cosby.
Hundreds of QAnon supporters gathered on the infamous grassy knoll on Tuesday to hear JFK's son, John F. Kennedy Jr. announce that he would be former President Trump's running mate in 2024 - despite having died in a plane crash in 1999.
- Lee Harvey Oswald may have fired the bullets… but these QAnon people have obviously been doing a lot of Shots themselves.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!