It’s “National Bald is Beautiful Day”!

- Which reminds me of a joke that I thought was SO FUNNY when I was a kid… What do you call a group of rabbits hopping backwards? A receding hareline. (Sorry… it’s a slow news day).


Burger King announced that it's banning 120 artificial ingredients from it’s food as part of it’s commitment to deliver “Real Food”. It will affect everything from their buns to their ketchup and mustard.

- I’m all in for healthier food… but don’t mess with my Ketchup.


The scorned ex-wife of a Cryogenics-Storage Facility owner broke into the facility and stole a bunch of “Frozen Human Brains” from people who had hoped to “Come back to life” in the future - but the brains thawed and were ruined.

- I thought the thawed and ruined brains were in Washington D.C. serving in Congress.


A Hospital in upstate New York was forced to quit delivering babies after dozens of nurses resigned over the vaccine mandate.

- They can “quit” all they want, but when Push comes to Shove… those women are GONNA give birth. .

- In their defense, the nurses DID wait to quit until after Labor Day.


Meanwhile, a study out of Binghamton University found that women benefit from eating breakfast, moderate exercise , and keeping fast food to a minimum.

- Hey Binghamton…. Tell us some things we haven’t heard before!


A new study claims that 45% of people suffer from sleep deprivation… and that recovering your memory after a lack of sleep takes a lot longer than people realize.

- Case in point… I can’t remember the last time I got a good night’s sleep.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
