Today is 2/22/22... and it happens to fall on a "TWOS-day"... an event that won't happen again for another 400 years, on Tuesday, February 22, 2422.
- Just an FYI... I won't be doing a blog on that day in 2422. Sure, call me an Optimist, but I’ve got Lions Super Bowl tickets for that day.
Kate Middleton was spotted looking at Elementary schools for Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.
Meanwhile... Prince Andrew is looking at Middle schools for his girlfriend.
Police in Lake Tahoe say they are on the look out for a 500 pound Black Bear named “Hank the Tank” who has been breaking into homes in the area.
- Couple Questions: One: How do they know the bear weighs 500 pounds? And Two: When did Michael Moore change his name to Hank??
Facing pressure from Animal Rights Groups, Mexico is considering ending 500 years of tradition by outlawing Bullfights.
- I say they should stop worrying about Bulls and start worrying about People! They should start by OUTLAWING REFRIED BEANS!!!
When a bartender refused service to an intoxicated female Lawyer in Florida, she went into the restroom, took off all her clothes, and returned to the bar completely naked. When cops asked her to get dressed, she put on a hoodie, but said she was “too tired” to put on her pants.
- Before you judge... Who among us hasn’t been too tired to put our pants on every now and again?
According to a new survey of 2,000 workers… The most despised office terms used by people's bosses are “Give it 100 percent,” “Think outside the box,” and “Team player.”
- My least favorite office term was always “You’re Fired”. (Especially after my rather brief 5 week run in Baltimore).
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Wednesday!
PS… Don’t forget the Salvation Army Radiothon - which feeds 4400 people a day and shelters 200 people a night - runs this Thursday starting at 4pm to Friday at 7pm! I’m be on WJR AM 760 Friday from 4 to 7pm as we wrap things up! You can even donate now by calling 833-SAL-HOPE (833-725-4673) or by texting the word BREAD to 24365. Thanks for your support!!