“CODA” took home the Oscar for Best Movie at the 94th Annual Academy Awards last night… but the real show stopper was Will Smith who went up on stage, slapped Chris Rock after he made a joke about Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith - then lobbed several F-Bombs at the Comedian.

- Celebs in the audience were STUNNED. Or at least they looked stunned. It might have just been all the plastic surgery.


On this day in 1977 the Academy Award for “Best Film” went to “Rocky”.

- So now we’ve gone from giving awards to movies about fights… to fights at awards shows about movies.

- NOTE: The whole thing - including the F-Bombs - was on ABC which is owned by Disney… OOPS.


The White House Press Team scrambled to issue a clarification after President Biden seemingly called for someone to take-out Vladimir Putin during his speech in Poland.

- The White House says Biden wasn’t talking about “Regime Change”… he just wants to send Will Smith to Moscow to slap some sense into Putin.


In an effort to make our military more inclusive, the U.S. Marines have approved two-tone nail polish and longer hair for female marines.

- And they’re changing their slogan to: “We’re Looking for a Few Good Manicurists”.


New research from Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT and Harvard says the despite what we’ve been told about the health benefits of “Moderate” alcohol consumption… even ONE GLASS OF BEER OR WINE A DAY is linked to an increase in Heart Disease.

- What a bunch of party poopers.


A new survey shows that largely because of rising crime, New York City lost 7% of its population last year.

- People said they wanted to live somewhere they felt safe walking the streets… like, you know… Ukraine.


Congratulations to Huel Perkins and Monica Gayle who retired Friday after 25 years together on Fox 2 News! Two terrific talents and equally terrific people!!! I wish them all the best in their retirements!!!

Speaking of that… Big Al called me over the weekend to remind me that last Saturday - the 26th - marked the 12th Anniversary of my retirement after 45 years on the radio in Detroit. I had totally forgotten! Time Flies when you don’t have to get up at 4:30 every morning!

Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
