It’s National Pet Day! So if petting is your thing… today is perfect for some Heavy Petting!
A new study claims that fish can add.
- See kids? That’s what happens when you stay in School.
According to a new study… more people are swearing at work. While in 2020 - a majority of people on Zoom calls talked about “Gratitude”… now more are swearing and dropping F-bombs.
- It’s about damn time!
- Hey… you gotta hand it to people. At least they haven’t gone “Full Jeffrey Toobin”…. Yet.
The US Postal Service has suspended services in a neighborhood in Santa Monica, California because of repeated human attacks on mail carriers.
- Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan should make a movie about it called… “You Don’t Have Mail”.
Newly revealed texts show that Hunter Biden frequently covered expenses for his parents, Joe and Jill Biden.
- Apparently he put Joe and Jill on his insurance plan because he had better Prescription Drug Coverage.
Jussie Smolett has released a new song proclaiming his innocence. (TRUE!!!)
- I don’t know what it’s called, but it should be a remake of Pat Benatar’s “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”.
- Or maybe Jussie could put his own spin on Frank Sinatra’s classic… “I Swear I Was Attacked By Two Strangers In The Night”. (“Do be do be do…” or as Jussie would say, “Do ME do ME do…”)
FYI… On this day in 1966 Sinatra did record “Strangers In the Night”.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!