It’s “National Burrito Day!” It also happens to be “National Making the First Move Day”… If you celebrate both… The first move you’ll be making is towards the bathroom.


Paleontologists have found the fossilized leg of a dinosaur in North Dakota they say was killed when an Asteroid hit the Earth 66 MILLION YEARS AGO… wiping out the Dinosaur population.

- They know it was from that time, because they also found a fossilized cup of coffee and a newspaper with the Headline: “Lions Lose to Triceratops Late in 4th Quarter”.


China warned it would take “Strong measures” that would severely impact US-Chinese relations if Nancy Pelosi follows through with a trip to Taiwan reportedly planned for next week.

- Apparently Nancy found a new salon in Taiwan that does a “Cut, Color, Mani & Pedi Combo” with a free Egg Roll & Bottomless Saki!

And speaking of Saki… WH Spokesperson Jen Psaki is reportedly leaving the White House to host a TV Show. .

- It’ll be a game show called “To Tell The Truth”.


Skippy has recalled 161,000 pounds of peanut butter over concern some jars could contain small pieces of stainless steel.

- Apparently, the Peanut Butter and Shrapnel Sandwiches didn’t go over as well as they’d hoped.


Airbus has announced the world’s largest passenger airplane has completed a test flight powered by cooking oil.

- The flight was operated by SouthWesson.

- For the the health conscious, they are planning flights to Italy run on Olive Oil.

- For those looking for an even healthier way to fly, there’s a “Frequent Air Fryer-Flyer Program”.


A new study shows that feeding Hemp to Cows helps them relax.

- Udderly.

- Question: If a Cow is kind of stressed and kind of relaxed… will it give Half and Half? (Bada Boom!)


Disney has named a former Hillary Clinton campaign official to be its top spokesperson.

- Rumor has it… the official is actually Bill… whose first suggestion was to install a Hooter’s restaurant inside Disney’s “Hall of Presidents”.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
