Cambodian officials have asked the public to stop picking the “Carnivorous Penis Plant” over fears it might be driven to extinction.
- If you’re interested in planting it in your Garden, you can order it online. But keep in mind that it takes a special kind of “Miracle Gro” that you can only get with a prescription from your doctor.
Doctors have urged the Pope to use a cane and wheelchair to get around as he nurses a knee injury - but he told a group of Semininarians that he had his own cure for knee pain: “Tequila”.
- I know there’s one drink he won’t go near… Blue Nun.
Researchers in Japan say that despite their reputation for being “aloof”… Cats are so smart they not only know their own names but the names of other cats and dogs that live in the same home.
- If the Cats are so smart… how come they can’t leap in the air and catch a Frisbee in their mouth??
An Elderly Indian couple is suing their son for $646,000 for not giving them grandchildren… even though the son says he’s “Thinking about it”.
- As Archie Bunker once said, having kids isn’t something you want to do on the “Sperm of the moment”.
After almost a half a century of weekly publication, People Magazine is expected to go all digital and stop publishing a printed copy of it’s magazine.
- Luckily… If you still haven’t read the 2003 Issue featuring Johnny Depp as the “Sexiest Man Alive”… you can still find it in the waiting room of my Dentist’s office.
- Or just give Amber Heard a call and see if she agrees.
A woman in the UK feared for her life after accidentally swallowing a COVID test swab — which travelled all the way down toward her intestines - and had to be removed during emergency surgery.
- But on a bright note… the test was negative for COVID!
On this day in 1860, the Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln for President.
- For those of you non-history fans… Abe was an amazing man who signed the Emancipation Proclamation and led the Union to victory in the Civil War. Your welcome.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!