The U.S. set a new record for gas prices this week when the average cost at the pump topped $4-dollars a gallon in all 50 states for the first time ever.
- See?? We’re NOT DIVIDED as a Nation!!! We’re all going broke TOGETHER!!! One gallon of gas at a time…
Speaking of gas… Students at John Hopkins University developed a new edible adhesive called “Tastee Tape” designed to hold Buritos together when you eat ‘em.
- Burritos?? I need something that will keep my Chalupas together.
The White House announced that they are “Pausing” their controversial new “Disinformation Governance Board” because of…. “Disinformation”…. about what the boards role would be.
- This reminds me of a headline I once read (TRUE!!!): “Global Warming Conference in DC Cancelled Because of Blizzard”. You can’t make this stuff up kids! And amazingly, we don’t have to!!!
Inflation has caused food prices to skyrocket so much that a restaurant in NYC… Sal and Mookie’s Pizzeria… now lists a 15 piece order of Chicken Wings on their menu as “Market Price” - a description usually reserved for pricey entrees like Lobster.
- So men, we finally know what the Cummerbund on a tux is for… Use it to wipe the barbecue sauce off your fingers when you take your lady out for a Fancy Candlelight Wing Dinner!
The NY Post is reporting that Netflix is in the middle of filming an “At Home with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex-Style” docu-series about Harry and Meghan & the Royal Family.
- I can’t wait!!! And I’ve even I’ve got some suggestions for episodes for the show… How about: “How I Met Your Domineering Mother”, “Meghan’s Never Going To Be Queen For A Day” and “The Biggest Losers”??
Marvel has released a trailer for a new She-Hulk movie.
- In the Female version, she explodes out of her clothes and turns into the Hulk when anyone asks if her jeans make her butt look big.
Reports continue that Vladimir Putin will soon be having surgery - although details are sketchy.
- The only thing we know for sure is it’s NOT Heart Surgery…. since he doesn’t have one.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!