The Supreme Court has been rocked by a massive breach of protocol - with an alleged draft of an opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade leaked to the Press months ahead of time.
- There hasn’t been this much uproar over a leak since the Red Wings fired their Zamboni driver, Al Sobotka.
At last night’s “Met Gala” - aka the most prestigious night in fashion - Kim Kardashian briefly wore the $5 MILLION gown originally worn by Marilyn Monroe when she sang Happy Birthday to President John F. Kennedy in 1962.
- Things have changed… Back then, there were RUMORS that Marilyn was sleeping with JFK. Now there are VIDEOS of Kim sleeping with just about EVERYBODY.
- Kim says she had to drop 16 pounds to fit into the famous dress… which comes out to 8 pounds per cheek!
A former Astronaut says a company called Bioharvest is working on plans to grow Cannabis in orbit.
- He say’s it will be “A Small Step for Man… and a Giant Toke for Mankind”.
- I can hear it now… “Houston, we have the munchies”
With the recent death of 119 year old Kane Tanaka of Japan, the world’s “Newest” “Oldest Living Person” is now a 118-year-old Nun from France who says she enjoys chocolate, has a glass of wine everyday and is “Open to retirement”.
- Question: What do you do when you RETIRE as a NUN?? Pray less??
A new survey about Mother’s Day found that the average person would spend about $300 on a gift for the special day to show moms their appreciation.
- So get ready Mom… Come Sunday, you’re gonna be treated to a gallon of gas and a loaf of bread!
A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claims to have found the best way to twist open an Oreo so that you keep cream on both sides.
- If you’re one of the lucky parents who scrimped and saved the $57,590 it cost to send your kid to MIT PER YEAR, may I be one of the first to say… Congrats! Money well spent!
Happy Birthday to Frankie Valli whose 88 today!
- He may be an Octogenarian, but Frankie still walks like a man… and sings like a Woman.
We took the day off yesterday and did get to mention it… but wanted to say RIP… Naomi Judd who lost her battle with Depression at the age of 76.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Wednesday!