As of January 15th, is is now illegal to Smoke outdoors in Mexico - and lighting up in public squares, parks, sports stadiums and on beaches will now get you a ticket and a fine of up to $500.

- But on. a bright note, if you want to walk into the US with a backpack full of Fentanyl… you’re good to go!


THIS JUST IN… The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Universal has cancelled production of it’s Movie based on Madonna’s decades-long music career. No reason has been given for the project being axed.

- Call me a conspiracy theorist… but I’m betting’ the FBI may be searching Madonna’s “Drawers” for Secret Classified Documents.


As Egg prices continue to skyrocket, Egg smuggling cases have doubled at the US-Mexico border in the last month alone.

- Border Agents are Scrambling to get a handle on the situation.


The Food and Drug Administration on Monday proposed treating COVID-19 vaccines like the annual flu shot.

- I didn’t see that one coming’… (Yeah, right!)


Ghislaine Maxwell insisted in her first jail-house interview that, as a Vegan, the food she if offered to eat in Prison is “Tasteless”.

- Well, if anyone knows about “Tasteless”… it’s the woman who was in charge of filling Jeffrey Epstein’s Dance Card.


The Prime Minister of Sweden is facing Political backlash after it was discovered that one of his top aides went Eel fishing - which is illegal in Sweden… and then lied to Police about it.

- The aide could not only face Prison time, but being Sweden… would face the added humiliation of having to put his own Jail Cell together using a kit from IKEA.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!
