It’s March 15th… The Ides of March… The Day Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of Roman Senators in 44 B.C. Of course, Caesar was famously stabbed in the back by his friend Brutus as they ordered lunch at the Collisseum Olive Garden. “What can I get you”, the waitress said. “I think I’ll have salad” said Julius. “Et tu, Brute?” said Caesar. And then Brutus killed him.
New reports say a Japanese movie studio is releasing a film called “Ninja vs. Shark.”
- It’s a big budget blockbuster about two opposing Vacuum cleaners.
Dove soap has joined “Fat Activists” in slamming the Oscar-winning film 'The Whale' for using a “Fat suit' on it’s star Brendan Fraser - who won the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of an Obese man… Saying that Overweight Roles should be played by Overweight Actors.
- I’m sorry… but isn’t “Pretending” the whole point of “Acting”??
And to makes it even crazier… some of the so-called “Fat Activists” Dove Soap was trying to stand up for are now accusing Dove of only voicing their support in order to sell more Soap.
- In a related story, following her successful transition from Man to Woman, Bruce-now-Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly in talks to become spokesperson for “Irish Spring”… cuz… you know, “It’s Manly, Yes… But She Likes it, Too!!”
A close friend of Prince Andrew says “Randy Andy” is considering writing a Memoir to make some extra cash since his big brother King Charles stripped him of most of his Royal Titles.
- Like most things Andrew does, the book will be geared towards teenage girls.
The Texas Department of Public Safety warned Americans to skip spring break vacations in Mexico.
- If you want to enjoy cheap tacos and get someone to buy your drinks… Stay home, order Taco Bell and raid your Parents Liquor cabinet.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!