According to multiple reports, Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will reportedly enter the2024 presidential contest next week.
- Trump is the head of the MAGA movement… While Christie is the head of the MEGA movement.
According to a new survey of people working in the office again, over 8 in 10 employees said having free beverages as a workplace perk would make them “feel valued”.
- Remember the good old days when all you needed to "feel valued" at work was a paycheck??
According to a new survey, 1 in 5 Floridians don’t prep for hurricane season.
- But on a bright note, they no longer have to spend time prepping their kindergarteners for Drag Queen Reading and Dancing Hour!
A UK woman was knocked unconscious while running down a hill to chase a 7-pound cheese wheel, but still managed to win her race.
- Wow. She really kicked Asiago.
- The same thing happened to me once in the annual "Purtan Family Velveeta-thon”.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Vancouver chased down and arrested a man who shoplifted $2100 worth of toothpaste from a grocery store.
- His attorney is asking for a reduced sentence as this is the man’s “First Brush with the law”.
Fans of Taylor Swift - also known as “Swifties" are said to get so emotional at her concerts that they suffer Amnesia and can’t actually remember attending the show.
- How come this doesn’t happen when Mike Lindell comes on TV to tell me about the most incredible sale on “My Pillow” he’s ever had??
Police in Japan have arrested an 85-year-old man on suspicion of shoplifting two packs of condoms from a convenience store.
- Hey... The guy's 85 and he stole TWO PACKS of Condoms?? I say give the guy points for being an optomist!!
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!