Happy Belated Birthday to singer Tom Jones who turned 83 yesterday! Tom is still touring… but these days, when someone requests “She’s a Lady”, “It’s Not Unusual” for it to be dedicated to a guy named “Delilah” who’s wearing high heels and a low cut dress.
Note: I once emceed Tom’s concert at the old Olympia Stadium. Tom and yours truly were onstage along with several dozen pair of women’s panties. And how the women boo’ed when I announced that there would be a “Short 15 minute intermission”…
Former VP Mike Pence jumped in the Presidential race Tuesday… NJ Gov. Chris Christie announced Monday and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum threw his hat in the Republican ring Wednesday.
At this point the only person NOT running for President as a Republican is Joe Biden.
Tucker Carlson debuted the first episode of his new “Show” on Twitter Tuesday night… and the 10 minute monologue covering everything from Ukraine to UFO’s has been viewed 135 MILLION times in less than 48 hours.
- It’s the only video in history to get that many views….. without featuring a naked Kardashian.
Prince Harry reportedly “warned” King Charles II not to send Princess Lilibet the custom made playhouse he had made for her second birthday last Sunday because it was “too extravagant”. Harry wanted Charles to send something “useful” instead.
- Charles was like, “Hey Harry… How about YOU get her something USEFUL… like say, a DIVORCE!”
A new survey reveals that 45% of adults skip soap when washing their hands.
- The other 55% skip the process entirely, saying they “washed their hands enough” during the Pandemic.
Jerry Maquire star Cuba Gooding Jr. has settled a sexual assault case against him just hours before his civil trial was set to begin. No word on how much Gooding agreed to pay the woman who accused him of assaulting her in his hotel room a decade ago.
- Bottom line: She says he showed her something she didn’t want to see… And now he’s “Showing HER the Money”.
A man visiting a theme park in Florida was caught on camera sneaking into an Alligator enclosure.
- To add insult to injury, he was wearing Crocs.
RIP… Pat Robertson, the televangelist who founded the Christian Broadcasting Network, hosted “The 700 Club and ran for President in 1988 has died peacefully at his home in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He was 93.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!