First of all I want to thank the 1,000 people, give or take 985, who reacted to my message on Dick’s Facebook page on Sunday.  It’s truly heartwarming to know that, that, (brief emotional break) you still care.  So, let’s do some catching up.

Just got back from a Caribbean cruise on the world’s largest ship, the Oasis of the Seas.  It’s 4 football fields long, 8,000 passengers and crew, and an area with real trees and flowers they call Central Park!  (Without the muggers or people selling knock-off watches)  I was so elated to be on this boat that I ran to the bow and in true Leonardo DiCaprio/Titanic-style yelled:  “I’m the King of the Midnight Buffet!”

One of the cruise destinations was the island of St. Maarten, home to the famous Orient Beach where people go sans clothes, which is nice because then you don’t get sans in your shorts.  Embarrassing moment:  When I took off my clothes and was mistaken for a Beluga whale.  I still can’t believe those people dragged me back into the water.  And don’t even ask about the blowhole incident.

I’m waaaay behind on American Idol, but did catch last week’s show.  I’m really under-whelmed this year.  The talent doesn’t compare with years past.  Agree/Disagree?  Click on the “Post a Comment” tab above.  By the way, I think the girl with the dreadlocks and Janis Joplin appeal is the frontrunner. 

And finally…I’ve had at least 100 people, give or take 98, ask me what I’m doing now.  Retired?  Plus-size modeling?  Nope.  But all kidding aside, I’m networking with a lot of great people in the entertainment and business community.  I will be free-lancing as a writer and maybe even do some performing along the way.  (In other words, I haven’t been paid to do anything yet)  But rest assured I’m happy in my “post radio” life.  And of course there hasn’t been a day that goes by that I don’t thank my lucky stars that I had a chance to work with the best personality in the history of radio…Mr. Dick Purtan!  (What, did you think I was going to give up being a suck up?)  Take care and stay tuned!  All the best…Al

P.S.  To the ladies who have Facebooked asking “Hey Al, what are your wearin’?”  Sorry, but that answer will have to wait for another blog.