
According to research by Haagen Das, American’s favorite Ice Cream during the Pandemic has been… Vanilla.

- Hmmm. When I think “2020” I think “Rocky Road”.


4 in 5 Americans say they need to be cheered up and want some Joy in their life.

- The other 1 in 5 want some Whoopi.


Dolly Parton joked that, after 54 years of marriage, she’s sick of her husband Carl Dean.

- Carl says he’s thought about leaving Dolly over the years, but he always thinks of a couple of big reasons to stay.


Former President Bill Clinton says he’ll volunteer to get a Covid-19 vaccine on camera to promote public confidence in the vaccine's safety.

- This is a departure for Bill who usually gets his shots AFTER he gets a virus.


Restaurants in Singapore will be the first in the world to serve Chicken Nuggets made out of Faux-Chicken grown in a Lab.

- Yum!


British Airways is investigating claims that one of its Flight Attendants worked as a prostitute who offered “adult entertainment” to passengers during flights.

- Boy… the airlines charge you extra for EVERYTHING these days.


Christmas Tree Farmers say because more people are staying home for the holidays… demand for REAL Christmas trees has gone through the roof.

- I’d be up for a REAL tree… but it’s really hard to find one that comes Pre-Lit.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
