It’s “World Plumbing Day”… So if you see a Plumber cracking a smile today, you’ll know why!


At the White House Press Briefing yesterday, reporters asked two questions about President Biden’s Dogs, followed by one about when the First Family will get the Cat they promised during the campaign.

- There haven’t been questions this hard hitting at a Presidential Press Conference since Jimmy Carter was asked for comments about his brother Billy peeing on the airport runway. (True!)

- All this animal talk reminds me of the old Peter Sellers bit… He walks into the lobby of a Inn to get a room and sees a dog laying on the floor. He asks the Innkeeper, “Does your dog bite?” The innkeeper says no. Sellers bends down and pets the dog who proceeds to bite him. Flustered, Sellers says, “I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite?” - to which the Innkeeper responds, “That’s not my dog!”


Meghan Markle's favorite frozen yogurt shop has created a flavor in her honor.

- It’s a twist on the classic “Cookie Dough” flavor… but in the Meghan version It’s not sweet, there’s no cookie and it’s all about the Dough.


A new study shows the Pandemic slowed the reading progress of younger children.

- Banning books has a similar effect.


Sunday night at 2am… we go back on Daylight Saving Time - meaning we “Spring Forward”.

- Although with the weight most of us have gained during the Pandemic, “Springing Forward” may take until Wednesday at noon.


A Florida woman was arrested for attacking her roommate after she played the Disco song, “Le Freak,” over and over again.

- I’m not one for violence, but I’m with the “attacker” on this one. (I can relate to to the Florida woman… There were two songs that drove me up the wall that our Program Director sheuduled on the playlist over and over… “Midnight at the Oasis” by Maria Maldaur and Minnie Ripperton’s “Loving You”).


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!


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