As you’ve probably heard by now, on Friday it was announced that after 20 years, DTE Energy Music Theater is returning to its iconic name of Pine Knob!!! In celebration of the historic move, I put a screen shot of my #5 daughter Jessica’s Facebook post up this morning. It was an obviously tongue-in-cheek reaction to what we’ve all been saying since the name was changed back in 2001. The most hysterical part was… some people thought she was serious! Thanks, Jess!
U of M fired president Mark Schlissel "effective immediately" following an “anonymous complaint” and the release of emails he sent to a unnamed subordinate of a “sexual nature”… including the use of the Jewish snack food “Knish” as a euphemism for “Kiss”.
- He was gonna use “Let’s Go Blue” as the code word… but it turns out the girl doesn’t have BLUE eyes and “Let’s Go Brown” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
On Friday, Netflix announced that it’s raising it’s prices again.
- This is bad news for my son-in-law whose Password I’ve been using for the last 5 years.
This morning the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee announced that due to concerns about the spread of COVID, tickets to the upcoming games will NOT be sold to the general public - but will be “Distributed by Communist Authorities” instead.
- Put another way… If you’re friends with Hunter Biden… start packin’… YOU’RE GOING TO THE OLYMPICS!!!
A new study shows that Amazon scams have skyrocketed by 500% in the past year.
- But unlike other scams, with Amazon - they drain your bank account in just TWO DAYS if you have PRIME!
- So look for Dr. Fauci on the cover of People’s Magazine’s “Sexiest Epidemiologist Alive” issue.
- This is good news for Spiderman and Batman… but not such good news for Superman - who doesn’t wear a mask. (Thankfully he’s got Lois Lane who still loves him!!)
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!