A Russian woman’s pet cat is on track to make history as the largest HOUSE CAT EVER… “Kefir” - who is only 22 months old - currently weighs in at a whopping 22 pounds.
- The Cat’s big enough to be one of Putin’s Secret New Military Weapons.
And speaking of BIG… Dolly Parton turns 76 today!
At an event held at the Senate in Italy Monday, someone hacked into the video session and began streaming an “Adult Film”.
- Or as we’d call it in America… “Pulling a Jeffrey Toobin”.
Cleveland Browns defensive tackle Malik McDowell is out on bail after being arrested for public exposure while walking naked on the grounds of a preschool in South Florida.
- It’s bad enough he was walking naked… he also wasn’t wearing a Mask.
A fuel price expert is warning that inflation and increased travel could push gas prices above $4 a gallon this Spring.
- The good news is… GasBuddy.com reports the price of a Bean Burrito at Taco Bell is holding steady at $1.49.
The Federal Government will allow 18 to 20 year olds to drive BIG RIGS from State to State as part of an Apprenticeship Test Program designed to ease supply chain backlogs.
- This is a GREAT idea!!!! Maybe we can also get the teenagers to pick up the slack from the hundreds of AIRLINE PILOTS who are calling in sick because of COVID!
Spain held it’s annual "Las Luminarias" Festival last weekend - a 500 year old tradition in which Spaniards ride horses into bonfires.
- It’s for people just to chicken to participate in the “Running of the Bulls”.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!