According to a new poll, the majority of people are NOT changing their Fourth of July plans because of high gas prices.

- Whether you’re traveling or staying home, there’s one thing you can do to celebrate the 4th that won’t cost you a dime: FLY YOUR FLAG!!!!


Tuesday, Jeffrey Epstein’s galpal Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for her role in his Sexual trafficking scandal.

- Maxwell is said to know the names of all the famous people who visited Epstein's famous Sex Island - so it's anyone's guess as to who's going to be the first one to try to “off her”.


A 25 year old former White House Aide gave what is being touted as “bombshell” testimony in the Jan. 6th hearings yesterday, claiming that she’d been told that President Trump tried to grab the wheel of the Presidential Limo and drive to the Capitol on 1/6 - a claim that the Secret Service agents in the car at the time say isn’t true.

- Reminds me of the time I was at Paradise Park on Grand River in Novi riding shotgun on the Go-Karts with my Grandson Brayden. I thought things were great, but afterwards he told a different story. Brayden blabbed to anyone who would listen that when we went into a sharp turn, I lurched for the steering wheel saying, “Hey…. I’m the Boss!!!” He may only be 10… but he says he’s organizing a 4th Grade Committee to Investigate.


According to a new report in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Middle-aged people who can’t stand on one leg for at least 10 seconds appear to be at higher risk of dying within a decade.

- I’m no Doctor… But I think the point here is obvious: DON’T TRY TO STAND ON ONE LEG.


Cops were called to Disney’s Animal Kingdom when a wife slapped her husband - but the couple told police they “rarely argue” but were “pushed over the edge” by the stress of the their Disneyworld Vacation.

- That Mad Teacup Ride can really take it out of you.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!


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